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One Car Policy?

Anyone who has visited China recently would complain about traffic in Beijing, Shanghai and other major cities – it’s unbearable, so is pollution. A growing middle class increasingly owns cars. The number of car owners in China is rising by 10 million a year. Last year, China overtook Japan to become the world’s second-largest auto market.

China’s rapidly increasing demand for energy causes tremendous environmental concerns such as severe pollution and global warming. According to the International Energy Agency, China’s greenhouse gas emissions, although far lower than America’s when measured per person, are growing fast and are predicted to surpass America’s this year.

It sounds worrisome. But there are signs of hope. A recent The Economist article says China has tougher standards for fuel efficiency than America. “Its cars use 6.9 liters to travel 100 km compared with 9.8 liters in America. By next year the Chinese standard will rise to 6.5 liters – a level America will take a decade to reach under the most ambitious plans.” China is “the world’s fifth-biggest user of wind turbines, and the biggest consumer of the sort of solar panels used to heat water.”

The article went on saying that China’s success at curbing the growth in its populations – the so-called “one child policy” which is much criticized by the West – and reforestation also helped to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide each year. Between 1990 to 2005, China’s energy intensity (the ratio of energy-consumption to economic output) fell by over 4 % a year.

Perhaps China will come up with a “one car policy,” which I am certain won’t be criticized by the West this time. But once country opened up and Chinese could see how people lived on the other side of the world, there is no turning back. Would it be fair to say that Chinese citizens are less entitled to live as lavish as American do?

3 comments to One Car Policy?

  • Steve,

    Thank you for your very thoughtful and informative comment! It’s a very typical way to play politics that China is pointing to the West to take the responsibility. Even China reduces the energy intensity ratio, it is still going to have huge emissions because of a growing affluent population. Nowadays, Chinese think “driving is our right!” When people look at Americans as their “role model” in terms of lifestyle, does it make us ponder what kind of role model we are providing for people in other parts of the world?

  • Steve B

    Helen. Also, William McDonough, the famed sustainability architect, has been busy with the Chinese government to develop sustainable Chinese cities, as the last segment to this extremely informative video shows.


  • The one car policy should be applied all over the world and not only in China. China is the bad example that shows what can happen with over population and its secondary effects. The rest of the world should learn from China and try to follow their example in certain fields.
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