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Next Wave of Innovations

At main event “Where the Hot Money Will Be Going in 2006,” the panelists from Onset Ventures, Lightspeed Ventures and Draper Fisher Jurvetson talked about the innovations they see that are coming to reshape the landscape of software, semiconductors, Internet, telecom, energy and bio-tech industries.

There are many things happening in mobile/wireless space, Web 2.0, digital media, enterprise automation, consumer-oriented software, energy, life-science, and bio-medical areas. Be it location-based service, clean tech, or nano-tech, the panelists expressed strong interests in backing up the ventures that have world-changing impact.

of Onset Ventures placed a special emphasis on business model innovation. As technologies evolve, old business models may not apply any more. A good example is enterprise software has evolved into a service-oriented business model as affected by open-source and off-shoring.

I found the comments by of Draper Fisher Jurvetson particularly insightful and inspiring. He warned people when they are looking at trends, keep in mind there may be opportunities in the what’s-not-so-hot areas, and likewise, there may be pitfalls and competitions in the hot areas such as VoIP, Web 2.0.

The witty and no-nonsense questions by the moderator kept the whole event animated and interesting. I was intrigued by Ed’s last question: in addition to the general perception of what’s hot and cool, what are the things that should be hot – the technologies and innovations with social good. Shouldn’t these be the next wave of innovations?

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3 comments to Next Wave of Innovations

  • You mentioned something about the next wave: “… what are the things that should be hot – the technologies and innovations with social good. Shouldn’t these be the next wave of innovations?”

    I’d like to believe so too. This seems to support my personal interest in the usefulness of Social Software in the area of KM of Folk Knowledge.

  • Thanks, Bonnie. It seems we have some common interests. Hope to interact with you more in the future.

  • Bonnie Ladick

    Again, great article Helen! I have to run now, but I may be back later to make some other comments on this subject.